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What is a RediQuest?


A RediQuest is an online course that provides its users with questions, information, media and tools for collaboration. Through a RediQuest you learn to solve BIG Issues and do so by working with others.


This site aims to provide students and teachers with information and ideas to assist them apply the Habits of Mind. Each of the sixteen habits is presented along with information on when to use each habit and strategies to make the process easy. Each page includes a short video that demonstrates the Habit of Mind and could be used as a starting point for discussion.

The pages combine ideas from Making Thinking Visible by providing a set of thinking strategies relevant to each habit. Each of the Sixteen Habits are paired with a series of Thinking Routines modified to encourage application of the relevant Habit.

Students can use the site when they identify a need to apply one of the Habits of Mind but are unsure of how to do so.

Teachers will find the site useful when they are looking for a strategy to apply in the classroom to support their students or target a specific Habit of Mind.

You can learn more about the Habits of Mind at their founders site - The Art Costa Centre for Thinking

More information about Making thinking Visible can be found Here

The site builds on the work of many including the developers of Habits of Mind and Making Thinking Visible. It is provided for all students and teachers to use with the request that if you find it useful you tell others about it.